Saturday, March 2, 2013


Ingredients : -
Idli-    4 nos
Curry leaves-  A  few
Asefotida -  A   pinch
Mustard seeds-1 tspn
Green chilli -  2 nos
Onion-1small  (chopped)
Turmeric (haldi) powder-A pinch
Sambar powder-To taste
Salt-To taste

Heat oil in a pan, add asafotida and mustard seeds. Let the mixture crackle, add chopped onion ,curry leaves green chillis ,haldi powder and saute for 2-3 minutes.Make small cubes from idli and add the cubes to the pan, add salt ,mix well. Add sambar powder and mix well  Serve hot with tomato ketchup .Children  love it as a starter or an evening snack!

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