Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Macha Besara(Fish in mustard gravy)

This is a traditional and popular dish in my state, Odisha, on the east coast of India. Most of the people of the state are fish-loving. This recipe is on the request of one of my sisters, now away from home, who is missing her favourite dish. I hope she would now be able to make it herself.

Fish -1kg(Rohu /salmon/catfish)
Salt-To taste
Haldi/turmeric powder-1tsp
Chilli powder-1tsp
Curry leaves-3-4
Mustard oil-2tbsp(You can use refined oil/corn oil,but it tastes best with mustard oil)
Mustard paste:
Mustard seeds -2tbsp
Garlic pods-2
Green chilli-1
Salt-A pinch
For Garnishing:
Cherry tomatoes/Sliced tomatoes

  1. Soak mustard seeds, garlic pods, and green chillies in Four tbsp  of water for 1 hour .Then grind them to a fine paste with a pinch of salt. By adding salt the bitterness of mustard will reduce. 
  2. Wash the fish well  , add salt, haldi, chilli powder and leave it to marinate for  Thirty minutes. In a frying pan add 1 tbsp of oil and fry  both the sides of each piece of fish .Do not deep fry .Keep aside the fish.
  3.  In the same pan add 1tbsp of oil, let the oil become hot, simmer the flame, add sliced onions,the tomatoes , curry leaves and the mustard paste. Saute' for a while add 1 cup of water and cover the pan. Let it boil, then add  salt, haldi powder and mix well.
  4. When the raw smell of the mustard disappears, add the fish pieces slowly. Let it boil for more than Five minutes.  Switch off the gas. Garnish it with tomatoes and coriander leaves .
  5. Tastes best with rice.


  1. A very popular dish presented in "Gharka khana" (Home food)style. I like it.

  2. Thank you all for going through my blog ..
