Wednesday, April 18, 2012


 This is a great recipe of bread which can be taken at any time of the day !!

Onion -1small (sliced)
Potato-2(boiled and sliced )
Butter-To apply in the breads
Cheese slice -1(Britannia /Amul)

Method :
  1. Apply butter to both the sides of the bread .Keep 3slices of bread in the sandwich maker ,on each piece of bread,  arrange the sliced boiled potatoes , the salsa ,sliced onions  &1/6 of the cheese slice in that order .
  2. Place a piece of bread on each of the3 pieces over the potatoes,onion,salsa etc.  and close the sandwich maker. Take them  out from the oven  when done.
  3. Serve hot with tomato ketchup .

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