Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mushroom in mustard and garlic paste

This is a great mushroom recipe from my state Odisha,India.Local mushroom is used in this recipe,but you may use button mushroom too.The taste will vary but I tell you ,this is an awesome preparation.Happy cooking!!

Mustard -5tbspn
Garlic -3pods
Green chilli-1
Turmeric powder(haldi)-1tspn
Salt-To taste


Soak mustard ,garlic and green chilli in 1/2 cup of water . Grind them into a fine paste after 1/2hr. Keep aside.

Heat oil in a work, add oil,then onion .Sauté till brown ,then add the mushroom. Add salt to taste,haldi powder ,mix well .After 5minutes add the mustard paste and chopped tomatoes .Cover the lid and let it simmer over slow flame till the mushroom is cooked well and the raw smell of the mustard goes.Serve hot with rice or chapati. Enjoy!!!!

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